86 days later

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oh yes. it has been that long since my last post and had a baby. well, things are (errr...) different. don't get me wrong, it is different in a good, great way. i am doing well. baby's doing better than me (dia ambil semua nutrient dari mummy dia), hee! 75 days in total i was on leave. starting work again is not an easy thing to do, it's tough. first, the thought of leaving Zahraa with a stranger then come the malas part. whatever it is, dah masuk kerja dah anyway.

i really did gave birth on the date of my last post. the pain was in fact the starting point of a very long delivery process. my gosh! contractions are not fun in any way. it was a bit excited in the beginning but, after a while, you want it to end as soon as possible. my contractions started at 5 am but it was really mild. started to take note of the timing and yeah, the gap was starting to get closer. i was quiet as a mouse and didn't wake the husband at all (takut okay!). i acted normal when he woke up and only told him when he is all dressed up. hee! my guess was correct, he somehow panicked then, off we go to the hospital.

anyway, my contractions started from 5 am and lasted until 10 pm. that is 17 hours in total! during that 17 hours, especially the last 5 hours was unbearable. i cried, shouted, got mad for no apparent reason and just felt weak. at 9.30 pm, i opted for epidural. when the procedure was done by 10 pm, air ketumban broke and it was green so, i was prep for an emergency surgery pula. only Allah knows how i felt at that moment, i think i died inside for a while. since i can still feel my legs and all, i opted for general anesthetic (GA) - which is the last choice for most people. in the end, i felt it all expect the baby coming out from way down there. the husband was very supportive all the way in every way - force fed me food, offered me chocolates, countless hugs, back rubs, toilet trips, tahan bila kena marah tak tentu pasal etc) - thank you Allah.

would i go through all this again? yes! (but, lets take it slow, 2 years maybe? not too soon ya darling). i don't think he wants to be in that situation again (the tantrum part and the fasting part) so soon. haha. oh, to sum it up about the pain - it has been taken to a whole new level but it was worth it. every single moment of it.

the day Zahraa was born and the first few days

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