let's start kicking!

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hee! peanut is super active. entah, dia dalam perut macam thinking, 'let's kick mummy kuat-kuat! it should be fun!' (especially at night). pengsan lah mummy. tidur pun tak betul dah ni. when i don't sleep right, i am not right during my waking hours as well. i tend to be a little cuckoo then. oh! hashrul selalu catch me laughing alone lately and he'll be like, 'eh! kenapa u ni?'. i'll be like, 'the baby's kicking hard' and the moment he wants to feel it, peanut stops moving. peanut tak mau kawan daddy ke? its amazing when a life is growing inside you. you start thinking of life in a whole different view - different expectations, different goals, different vision. i am so excited about peanut and yet, scared at the same time. lets do this, this is our journey! - we have 15 weeks and 4 days to go (according to this app - Pregly).

other then that, i should be fine. the body is changing, oooooohh! discover new things about the body and the things you can do - i am both amazed and surprised. there are a lot of things that i cannot do though - no eating this, no eating that, no heavy lifting, no climbing to reach high things, no washing the toilet (i don't mind this! sampai bila-bila pun i am okay), no playing with the cats too much, no cleaning up after the cats, no driving (sometimes), no jumping around, no running up and down the stairs, no walking up and down the stairs without the lights on. hee! 

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