dearest micro

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hard day today. someone who knows me close enough would know that my cats mean the world to me and it will take time for me to recover from the lost. today, i lost my baby girl. the youngest in the family. she was not in for breakfast this morning. so, after ayah sent me to office he went looking for her and found her in the drain. she was still alive but barely making it. its sad to lose someone you love. she has been with us since 2010, she was my whiskas advertisement cat - the one when you shake the food the cat comes running. that was how it started. it was a battle with mum (and dad) to keep her but she eventually melted mummy's heart and was brought to subang when we moved. she is something i share closely with mummy. i just lost mummy last month and now her. maybe she's with mum. wauallahualam. i'll miss her a lot and will definitely feel the lost.

rest in peace baby girl
2010 - 2013

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