week 13 to 20

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during this period, i was quite vain. looking at the mirror most of the time to see whether my tummy grown. people in the office kept on saying that they don't see it and some kept on saying i was only 2 months when i was actually 4. so, i was a bit concern at the beginning. then, i did some checking with mr. google and found out that for some people having their first child, the tummy might not show at fast. but as the weeks past by, nearing to 16 weeks, the tummy finally is a bit obvious and the most obvous thing that could happen is i can't zip up my pants, jeans and kain for baju kurung. dang! i suddenly have nothing to wear. so, we just HAD to go shopping. it was a necessity. hehe. 

(will finish up this post and update pictures later)

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