beginning of week 22

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what a great way to start the week. 20th January was the first day of week 22 and was the first time i felt the baby's kick while holding the tummy. alhamdulillah. i cried a bit (terkejut + terharu + suka). hashrul was not that lucky. hee! obviously, this is mummy's little one. the gender is yet to be confirmed. the last time we scanned - on the 15th January, the baby crossed its legs tight, exactly like i was while lying down when the dr was scanning. daddy said, 'baby ni silang panggung pulak!', next time i have to remind myself not to cross my legs. huu! then, dah excited, lupa nak ambil the ultrasound picture. boo! anyway, the dr did say the baby might be a girl, she just can't confirm yet.

since the gender is still not confirmed by the dr, been thinking of a nickname to give. i wanted to call peaches but if its a boy, peaches does not sound right, does it? so, maybe i should call mummy's little peanut. eh? mari kita try. peanut has been really active since the last week of 2012. i can feel movements and some very gentle kicks (its like someone is poking you gently from the inside). i can't wait for more progress to come! come on peanut. daddy wants to feel you too.

hungry mummy - 220113

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