its THE days!

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in a word - Alhamdulillah (^.^)

solemnization - 22/06/2012
baju nikah (him) - Bak Tailor 
baju nikah (me) - Salikin Sidek
dais for solemnization - Cinta Anggun Services
catering - Mirazy Catering
souvenir  - yassin from Creatively Designed
thank you tag and card - kARTe

from hashrul:

gubahan: kerjakahwin

from me:
gubahan: aunty nomi


reception - 23/06/2012
baju (him) - Salikin Sidek
baju (me) - Salikin Sidek
catering - Mirazy Catering
pelamin and video guy - Cinta Anggun Services
souvenir - ZC (ini name kedai)
card -
thank you tag - kARTe

media crew 
(hee! - diorang ni best and easy to work with, cepat rase selesa)
official photographer for both events - Ifolia Photography

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