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well what happened all the last weekends after coming home from KB. eh, hee.. tetibe ingat-lupa pulak. haha! maybe penat sangat kut. preparing for a wedding in 5 months is no serious joke. lagi-lagi bila dapat pulak orang yang planning tu memilih. the person that is doing the planning pening and orang sekeliling pun jadi pening. hehe. anyhoo, my weekends (and sometimes weekdays) sangat penat, serious penat but lots of moments to be remembered. hee! 


 one of those days

 7 :) - the avengers

hashrul nak pergi work, saye busybee
(hari ni kena saman tembak by the police on the highway. boo!)

adek *love*

dia pakai baju susu! :)


postal officers on duty

coral pink?


(testing je)

 off to see ustaz Isa (jurunikah okay) *dupdup*

 airene's wedding

some of the crazy people in my life

  postal officers on duty (part ii)

erk! hantaran dah gune dulu.. -.-"

 lovin' mickey!


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