trip back to KB

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the trip to KB finally jadi. we have been planning it for quite some time and then mummy sakit. so, rasa bersalah gak lah nak pergi. mula-mula nak, then tak nak. finally, bila ticket dah book and everything confirm, balik lah KB. okay, tau, banyak kali selalu sebut tak nak naik airasia (oops!), tapi naik airasia juga malam tu. everyone can fly right? no, this is not the last time, dah ada book ticket for future travelling. so, in the end, airasia is still the best choice.. -.-"


okay, sambung balik pasal trip, 20 minutes or so into the flight, there was an announcement saying that we are reaching soon and they need to like switch the lights off. terfikir mesti ada something ni. cepat sangat! indeed, something was wrong. it was not a good flight that night. it was raining, the clouds was heavy and lots and lots of lightning. hashrul panicked. hehe! so, it was a good flight for me (i was laughing, tak baik but tak tahan, sorry bambi! teehee..) and definitely not a good flight for him.

at first i thought i won't enjoy the trip. things went well or should i say better than expected. i thought that i won't fit in or maybe just different BUT the family is really nice! alhamdulillah. oh.. and i ate a lot. i had nasi lemak, satay, tortilla (balik KB makan tortilla tu, duduk KL pun tak makan, hee!), kebab and nasi kerabu. nasi lemak/tortilla/kebab was home cooked/made by Ami and nasi kerabu was specially home cooked/made by one of hashrul's aunty (sorry, i am bad with names, tak ingat, boo!). anyway, the future MIL is super nice! thank you Allah. anyway, dengan family macam ni lah baru best and boleh ngam kutsuka! overall, it was a tiring, endless eating, baju trying and most importantly meaningful weekend break with lots of love.

 excited much?

 1st time balik kampung orang

 introducing AC @ alarm clock
knocking time: 6.30 - 6.45 am

the coming home part - since we thought we could bring one of the cars back to KL, we did not book our flight home. malangnya, belum boleh bawa kereta balik. so, kena fikir other options. after some discussion (masam muka + nangis + merajuk - yeah, i am kinda difficult when things don't go as planned), we finally decided to come home by bus. nasib naik bus, dapat makan nasi kerabu! hehe. 1st time naik bus dua tingkat. rasa sangat tak best but, alhamdulillah sampai dengan selamat. special thanks to Syima pasal kutip both of us pagi-pagi buta tu -.-"

 lain kali cari bus company lain
keras kerusi bus ni!

5.30 am @ Putra Station

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