40 and 45

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i know, this blog have been abandoned for quite some time. well, here is an entry to explain why. well, since March 30, 2012, I have been counting days. March 30th was the day mum got admitted into National Heart Institute and straight into Coronary Care Unit (CCU). things was looking good the next day but come Sunday, mum had fever. On Monday morning, the hospital called and informed that mum is not doing good and we need to be there ASAP. since that morning, my whole life changed. mum is still considered critical, still in CCU and still hanging on. today marks day 40. I had to go through almost 40 days without mum, i can't even hear her voice. its hard. life has been tough on us.

so,  1 week plus back, we decided to pick ourselves and start finalizing stuff for the wedding. mum told uncle no matter what happens, the wedding shall go on. now, 45 days till the day i am his. alhamdulillah things are going well so far and insyaAllah everything will be okay. 

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